Frequently Asked Questions

What is home staging?

‘Home staging’ has become a household term for real estate professionals and sellers alike. It’s a marketing tool that helps to showcase a home in it’s best light. It also makes it easier for potential buyers to visualize the property as a future home. The typical staging process involves decluttering, rearranging layouts, the use of styling vignettes, and more. If done well, the home will likely sell quicker and for more money.

Do staged homes really sell faster?

Statistically, yes. Staged homes will typically sell faster and for more money. Therefore, if you invest money for a well done staging, you will likely see a return on the purchase price. According to a study done by the Real Estate Staging Association, of 1,081 unstaged homes, the average time on the market was 184 days. After staging, those same homes sold within an average of 41 days. Homes in the study that were staged before going on the market sold within an average of 23 days.

Will all staged homes look the same?

Staged homes can look similar. However, these days, staging homes has become more of an art form. At The Chad Ryan Group, we strive to make it more than a cookie cutter home. Our differentiating factor is storytelling. We take the best aspects of a home and highlight them with design.

What if I can’t afford a stager?

Stagers who understand the market are usually worthy investments. However, if you can’t afford a stager to complete the entire process outright, the next best thing is to opt for a consultation. Consultations suggest what should be changed or updated before a home hits the market. Those are a nominal fee compared to hiring an outright stager to complete the entire job. If hiring someone is not in your budget at all, consider getting a fresh pair of eyes to see the space. They can tell you what they think about it, and with those context clues, you can try to uncover a better way to present your home.

How long does it take to stage a home? 

The entire process can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on the size of the property. 

What if I’m not happy with the results?

Home staging is not meant to appeal to the seller of the home. It is meant to appeal to potential buyers. For the most part, staged homes interest the broadest audience. Everyone has different tastes, but we are targeting buyers rather than the seller.

Can you recommend a listing agent?

Absolutely. After spending several years in the real estate industry, our team has been able to make connections with various real estate professionals. Referring you to the right agent is not a problem.

Do you design commercial or experiential spaces? 

At this time, we primarily work on residential spaces. However, we evaluate each project on a case by case basis. If you have any interest in working with us for a commercial or experiential project, please contact us with further details.

What additional services do you provide? 

Along with staging, our team provides interior decor services. We work with individuals who would like to update their spaces at home. Things tend to get stale after a certain amount of time, so we freshen it up to keep things interesting and beautiful.